MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH (Part 2) Micro-Blogging / By Maritsa Oosthuizen / August 10, 2022 Signs of Emotional WellnessHaving the ability to talk with someone about your emotional concerns and share your feelings with othersSaying “no” when you need to without feeling guiltyFeeling content most of the timeFeeling you have a strong support network i.e. people in your life who care about youBeing able to relaxFeeling good about who you are Check-in with your emotional wellness: Do you see stress as something you can learn from or something to avoid?Are you aware of your bodily sensations, emotions, and behaviors when you are stressed?Do you allow yourself to experience emotions, just as they are? How do you care for yourself daily?Are you able to ask for help when you need it? Written by:Alma Darlington (CEO)