Physical Wellness – At ERS we make “Wellness” in all its forms a priority.

As mentioned in my May Micro-Blog, wealth means nothing if your physical well-being or health has been compromised.  To stay physically healthy, should be a priority in everybody’s life.

Focus on your physical health like it is the start of a new year

I believe you should have the following 3 “hobbies” in your life to find balance:

  1. A hobby that will make you money
  2. A hobby that will keep you healthy and in shape
  3. A hobby where you are creative

So what is physical wellness?

Physical wellness is listening to and taking care of your body for optimal health and functioning.  Taking care of your physical body will help you get through the stress that comes with life.

Written by our CEO

Alma Darlington

1 thought on “Physical Wellness – At ERS we make “Wellness” in all its forms a priority.

  1. A hobby where you are creative, is what takes your mind on adventures so you can imagine and make new things. This works for me. Thanx Alma

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